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  • Writer's pictureValerie Bruce-Smith

Heart of the Matter

The Heart Chakra


Our heart chakra is located in the middle of our chest and has an opening to the front and back of our upper chest.


We all associate the heart with love, or the pain of grief (heart ache), but an open-heart centre is also about compassion and empathy as well as unconditional love. Admittedly, the latter can be a difficult emotion to summon up at times.


Potential symptoms associated with heart centre imbalance:


If a heart chakra is in a blocked state, it can potentially lead to dislike for ourself and others, a lack of empathy, indifference towards others or even hatred. We might experience excessive or prolonged emotional pain due to painful lingering memories. We may feel loneliness, or become too dependent on others for support, becoming needy of attention or even the opposite, needing to give too much unwarranted attention to others and being overly protective. All of this can lead us to feeling quite alienated and alone. We might feel envy when we see people with what we perceive to be happier and better lives.


As with all chakra imbalances, these emotions can eventually contribute towards physical symptoms too. The heart centre is linked to problems with the heart, lungs, chest, shoulders and arms. The circulation may be affected as well as blood pressure.


The balanced heart centre


A balanced heart chakra allows us to feel connected to the world around us with an ability to love and accept ourselves as well as those around us and to see beauty and love in everything and everyone. With this ability to feel surrounded by love we are also able to resolve anything that challenges us, from a place of love, compassion and ease. In a perfect scenario, we can even develop a sense of non-judgemental and unconditional love for ourselves and others. Finding empathy for others and the ability to forgive and accept people and situations as they are. An open heart centre is the gateway towards our true spiritual progression.


A few points to ponder:

  • When we meet someone who never has a bad word to say we might say they have a ‘pure heart’.

  • The opposite is said when we meet someone who is unable to offer kindness, we might call them ‘cold hearted’.

  • Feeling ‘green with envy’ – the heart centre is associated with the colour green.

  • Think of all the sayings we have to do with the heart, open hearted, broken hearted, heartfelt etc. When we talk about deep emotions, we often associate them with our heart.


As with the other chakras, we seem to intuitively know of its presence and purpose.


Ways to balance our Heart Centre:


N.B. Please always consult your G.P. in the first instance regarding any of the above problems affecting your health, it is always imperative to have a correct diagnosis and appropriate medical treatment prescribed before you seek the additional support of a trained therapist.


Complementary Therapies for Chakra Work:


  • Healing therapies such as Reiki, Spiritual Healing and Energy Healing

  • Sound Healing (The frequency of various sounds is helpful to healing and balancing)

  • Crystal Healing (green or pink coloured crystals are said to be helpful, such as aventurine, rose quartz, jade, malachite, rhodochrosite – consult a crystal therapist for advice regarding the best ones to use)

  • Colour or Light Therapy – Green (sometimes pink) is the colour associated with the Heart Centre

  • Journaling

  • Meditation and Breathwork

  • Being in nature, especially among trees, lots of fresh air.

  • Affirmations (e.g. “I am in harmony with all that is around me” - “I am full of joy and gratitude” – “My heart is open to giving and receiving love”) See the root chakra blog post for more information about affirmations.

  • Exercise such as Yoga, any exercise in nature according to one’s general fitness level.

  • Flower Remedies

  • Hypnotherapy, Psychology, N.L.P., E.F.T. etc.

  • Nutrition

  • Practicing gratitude



I invite you to contact me for ideas regarding breathwork,

meditation, affirmations, journaling, flower therapies or gratitude practice etc. (no charge!).

I am happy to help over the phone, by email or in person if you are able to visit me.

Or see for more useful information.







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