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  • Writer's pictureValerie Bruce-Smith



We reach the last of the seven main chakras within the physical body – the crown which is at the top of the head.

We know there are many chakras within the body and some outside of it in our energy field. The exact number of chakras is unknown – some will say there are over one hundred, others will say thousands. To keep things relatively simple, we tend to work with the seven major chakras for the purpose of healing. But, as mentioned in my last post, no chakra is more important than any other, is that possibly a reflection of human life itself? No matter how spiritually evolved we might like to imagine ourselves to be, we are no more important or valuable than any other person. We are all at different stages of life learning with different challenges and paths to take, the important thing is to help each other along the way. It is sometimes hard to accept that, especially with so much human conflict around the world. It took many years of learning and understanding for me to grasp that concept, so if you are protesting loudly – it would have been me protesting at one time too!


Also, as mentioned before, there is a huge temptation to jump on the spiritual path with a passionate desire to progress quickly. We soon learn that the brow and crown are important for connecting us to the ‘higher spiritual realms’, so we become enthusiastic and want to learn fast. We develop a great desire to do ‘readings’, to connect with spirit or be a great healer and we feel inclined to work feverishly to open ourselves up by meditating, seeking advice from mediums, card readers, spiritual teachers and the like – how do I know? Because if we are honest, most of us have tried it! While it isn’t wrong, most teachers will correctly tell you, that when you work on all the lower chakras, the higher ones look after themselves. I vouch for that completely, and discourage anyone who is just beginning to explore the world of healing and spirituality to focus purely on ‘opening-up’. Much more needs to be learned first.


Work on the Foundations


It is vital to focus on self-healing and balancing the lower chakras first. Why? The greater the strength of the foundations, the greater the height we can achieve without toppling. If we work only on opening our brow and crown, we may have a nasty fall. Our emotions may become unbalanced, our beliefs may become rigid and fixed as our ‘spiritual’ ego grows and there is the potential for all sorts of suffering, anxiety, panic attacks and fears which might follow. We may even learn things that we are not emotionally ready to cope with or have the wisdom to understand fully, we may experience difficulty dealing with all the challenging everyday events of life in a rational manner. Small differences of opinion with others may become magnified, life experiences may seem too big to cope with. But when we balance all of our chakras allowing our emotions to become regulated and balanced, we can keep things in perspective and resolve everything from a place of inner peace and calm rationality.


Can you see where many of our modern world problems originate from?


A quick overall reminder:


If you have read about the three lower chakras, you will notice they are linked to our physical existence, including our survival instinct, reproduction, connection to family, and self-confidence. Our heart chakra is linked to love, empathy and acceptance of others and is sometimes referred to as the gateway to the upper three chakras which are linked to less physical attributes, including self-expression, intuition, and that much-desired connection to the divine.


If left unbalanced, at the extreme opposite of the positive attributes, the lower chakras may be linked to fear, anger, jealousy, relationship problems, rigid and limiting beliefs and ego problems.


Be aware, that the strength of our desire for something is also sometimes our biggest block! We don’t always get what we want in life, but we may get what we need in order to learn.


When our chakras become out of balance, or “blocked” (which you will hear many healers speak of) it might sound very negative, but it is very common to have imbalances or blockages within the energy system. Our thoughts and emotions, traumas from the past and present are all contributory factors for these imbalances and blocks. It is only if these traumas and problems are not addressed over a long period, that they may result in more stubborn problems.  For example, an imbalanced root chakra may be associated with anxiety issues, a blocked throat chakra may indicate problems in communicating. Our chakras regulate functions that affect us on all levels: physical, mental, emotional, intuitive, spiritual, and sensory.




You will have noticed that I am saying little about the crown chakra. It is quite deliberate. The internet will provide lots of conflicting information about all of the chakras, but patiently working on each of them, healing ourselves, our emotions and finding our inner strength and balance, we will eventually learn about the crown through our personal experience. There is no better teacher than experience or finding someone who has already been through a self-healing process to be alongside us to guide us along the way. When we are ready to acknowledge and work on the crown it has the potential to awaken a whole new awareness of learning who and what we are and our real connection to all that is around us.


Finding self-help to clear or balance chakras


N.B. Please always consult your G.P. in the first instance regarding any physical or emotional problems affecting your health, it is always imperative to have a correct diagnosis and appropriate medical treatment prescribed before you seek the additional support of a trained therapist.


Complementary Therapies for Self Help Chakra Work:


·        Meditation and Breathwork

·        Good nutrition, adequate rest and exercise

·        Healing therapies such as Reiki, Spiritual Healing and Energy Healing

·        Sound Healing, Chanting

·        Crystal Healing

·        Colour or Light Therapy

·        Journaling (especially dreams and personal insights)

·        Affirmations - See the root chakra post for more information.

·        Exercise, such as Yoga

·        Essential oils and flower remedies

·        Hypnotherapy, E.F.T. etc




I invite you to contact me for ideas regarding breathwork,

meditation, affirmations, journaling, etc. (no charge!).

I am happy to help over the phone, by email or in person if you are able to visit me.

Or see for more useful information.


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