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  • Writer's pictureValerie Bruce-Smith

Find Your Authentic Voice!

The Throat Chakra


(Located in the base of the throat with openings to the front and back)


As we have already noticed throughout past blog posts, no chakra functions completely independently of another, the same emotional event can have an effect on more than one chakra energy centre. For instance, fear that originates in the root chakra can block our ability to communicate fully, so in turn that will affect our throat chakra. A trauma that causes us heartache can also potentially prevent our ability to express our feelings, or family problems that cause a sacral centre problem can also silence communication in the throat centre. Each chakra processes a slightly different aspect of each emotion – it takes careful listening, untangling of information and observation on the part of a therapist to recognise where potential energy blocks are. Healing is about having a supportive partnership with your therapist as a guide, and both parties will be working together through the process! But with a bit of knowledge, we can also find our own blocks and learn how to work on them in a way that is complementary to any other therapy or medication that we might be taking. We can even potentially prevent a problem from needing medication in the first place.


In past blog posts, we have also noticed a potential energetic link between the chakras in our energy body and the glands of our endocrine system that produce hormones to keep our physical bodies in balance. (Please note, there is no scientific proof of this as yet – purely anecdotal observation over many, many years by countless healers.) In the case of the throat chakra, it is potentially linked to the thyroid and parathyroid glands. As well as having a connection to the major nerve plexus throughout the body that act as the messengers to the brain. No part of our physical or energy body works in isolation, the body parts are all connected physically and energetically; hence we need to understand how to work holistically to maintain balance. A doctor may work by suggesting medication for Thyroid imbalances or a throat infection etc., or in the case of neck problems associated with a throat chakra blockage, a few visits to a physiotherapist might be recommended. All of this is relevant and medication, plus what we regard as conventional methods are essential, however working with energy is also an excellent way to help and support ourselves and take an active role in our well-being, supporting conventional medication or preventing minor illnesses or imbalances from taking hold.


As we have also noticed with imbalances in the other chakras, we seem to intuitively understand where we experience emotions, think about the following expressions regarding our throat chakra:


  • ‘I’m all choked up’ when we find it hard to express how we feel.

  • ‘It brings a lump to my throat’ when an emotion makes us feel like crying, but we can’t express it in words. Or having a lump in the throat before we have to make a speech.

  • ‘At each other's throats’ when we feel anger that cannot be expressed in a calm manner.

  • ‘They were forcing their opinion down my throat’ when someone won’t stop talking in an attempt to sway your own ideas.

  • ‘The boss was breathing down my neck’ – another expression that indicates we are not able to express ourselves freely.

  • Feeling blue – inability to express ourselves can lead to depression or ‘feeling blue’. Blue is the colour linked to the throat chakra.


Also expressions such as, ‘pain in the neck’, ‘stick my neck out’, ‘up to my neck’, ‘get it in the neck’ etc.


As we have said in other articles regarding the chakras, remember that feelings and emotions are energetic information which comes from our thoughts. So they are processed by the energetic organs of our body. A thought cannot be seen, but we feel the effect of it.  When we are angry or dreading making a speech, we feel our throat sometimes tighten up and our voice changes, we might become slightly hoarse when we are feeling nervous about talking, or we might find a cough that appears out of no-where when we feel uncomfortable about communicating our feelings.


As written in other posts, I repeat this as a reminder:


When our emotions are very intense, we feel them physically, then our mind springs into action producing more thoughts to compound the physical effect. Energetically speaking, the more negative the emotion, the more dense or ‘sticky’ that energy is, and like glue it becomes stuck in the chakra centres.


Positive emotions are lighter and when they are connected with the throat chakra, our voice lightens, we can speak freely and easily or communicate freely in other ways, such as writing, singing, or creative communication in art.  


Possible Symptoms Connected with a Throat Chakra Imbalance or Blockage


These are just a few potential examples that may indicate imbalances or blockages in that area:

  • Sore throat - Laryngitis

  • Hoarseness

  • Thyroid/parathyroid issues

  • Mouth ulcers and dental problems

  • Jaw tension or teeth-grinding

  • Neck pain

  • Ear or sinus problems

  • Headaches

  • Communication problems of all kinds

  • Difficulty expressing emotions or needs

  • Difficulty in expressing ourself creatively, artistically, writers block etc.

  • Fear of judgement or speaking the truth, relationship issues connected with clear communication

  • Voicing opinion too much, not listening to others or the opposite, afraid to voice your ideas

  • Speaking without self-censorship, resorting to gossip (including being a keyboard warrior on social media or road rage in your car!)

  • Inability to speak clearly resulting in being misunderstood

  • Being an extreme introvert or extrovert


A Healthy and Balanced Throat Chakra


When the throat chakra is clear, it helps us communicate with honesty, clarity and above all, wisdom. Knowing when we have said enough and when to stop speaking! We can speak with compassion and be open to fully listening and hearing others with empathy and understanding.


Self-help to clear or balance the Throat chakra


N.B. Please always consult your G.P. in the first instance regarding any of the above problems affecting your health, it is always imperative to have a correct diagnosis and appropriate medical treatment prescribed before you seek the additional support of a trained therapist.


Complementary Therapies for Chakra Work:


·        Healing therapies such as Reiki, Spiritual Healing and Energy Healing

·        Sound Healing

·        Singing and laughing

·        Crystal Healing (Blue lace agate, sodalite, aquamarine and other blue coloured crystals etc. Consult a qualified crystal therapist for correct advice)

·        Colour or Light Therapy (Blue is the colour related to the throat centre)

·        Journaling as a way of communicating feelings

·        Meditation and Breathwork

·        Affirmations (e.g. “I communicate with ease”, “I hear and speak the truth with wisdom” or “I am free to express myself”) See the root chakra post for more information.

·        New creative hobbies, especially in the arts, such as writing, acting, drawing, public speaking.

·        Exercise, such as Yoga, in particular gentle neck stretching movements when there is no injury.

·        Flower Remedies

·        Hypnotherapy, Psychology, N.L.P., E.F.T. etc.

·        Nutrition





I invite you to contact me for ideas regarding breathwork,

meditation, affirmations, journaling, etc. (no charge!).

I am happy to help over the phone, by email or in person if you are able to visit me.

Or see for more useful information.

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